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Old 08-13-2013, 12:50 PM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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Default Anti-Depressants

Just read a post on the following link:

It talked about anti-depressants and confirms that they don't always work for people with fibromyalgia. My doctor tried me on three different kinds and the fourth one they tried just caused liver damage, yet Viox is suppose to be the greatest thing since sliced bread for people with arthritis.

They made me feel like I had a giant sized hand on the top of my head hholding me down. It was like they were preventing me from being me and I would rather be mobile and in pain, than a couch potato zombie. Exercise is important and it is difficult to get through the pain to start it, but it is so cruitial to "living" in today.

They showed three different groups: stressed, partly stressed, and not stressed, and I belong at one time or another in the first two categories, mind you, it is quite often self-inflicted.

I know I am capable of shutting down and shutting off when "I" want to do something, then wonder why I am in pain after ward because I didn't feel it in the moment. Last night was a bad night for me, and when I looked out I knew why, it was raining. I generally start to hurt two days before it gets here.

This was written in November 3, 2003 on my site The Five As. I could right the same message in today.

The Five As is a support group for those who suffer from chronic pain. Share on how the 12 Steps can be applied and alternative healing methods.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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