Damaged Goods
Taking inventory of ourselves will find out where we have been damaged and in what way. We will see this probably for the first time in our life. For some of us this will take a long, long time to see but it is seen through our character defects. Our illness is the result of tragic events that occur not of our making but nonetheless have given our emotions a violent twist that is below the level that we are aware of. This is usually to protect from feeling something that is unpleasant or overwhelming. It's hard to look at, for us to see, all that we have been doing up to this point has been to keep us from seeing this. After our inventory we will need to continue with the rest of the steps so we can make peace with all of this . None of us asked for these to happen to us. Being aware of them is key to beginning to learn how to live with the damage they have caused to us without the use of alcohol or drugs.