Long before any of us had realized it, this problem had us. It's taken control over us and we all willingly let it do just that. That's what makes this problem we all have so deadly because none of us could see it coming and even if we did, rarely have any of us been able to figure out what we needed to do about having it. Yet we walk into the rooms of recovery thinking anything but this, like we know what's going on, but none of us really do, and in time we'll see that, and then we'll find out how fortunate we are indeed, after we see how many people still keep on dying from this very problem that we have. It's a shame that they have to, today no one should have to die from this problem because there is recovery, but yet they still do. And even with the knowledge that they have this problem, and that there is a solution to having it, they still die from it, now that's cunning, baffling and powerful.