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Old 08-01-2014, 01:00 PM   #1
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Default Daily Reflection - August

August 1

A Time to Think: No pillow so soft as God's promise. –Author Unknown

To Act: Turn to Jesus in your thoughts. He will give you rest.

To Pray: Father, restore my soul through deep and abiding rest.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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Old 08-02-2014, 09:27 AM   #2
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August 2

A Time to Think: I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. –C.S. Lewis, author

To Act: Build your life on the foundation of faith.

To Pray: Today God, let me shine for You.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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Old 08-03-2014, 05:37 AM   #3
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August 3

A Time to Think: Frequently remind yourself that God is with you, that He will never fail you, that you can count upon Him. Say these words, "God is with me, helping me." –Norman Vincent Peale, best-selling author and minister

To Act: Expect great things to happen.

To Pray: Lord, thank You for the grace that strengthens me for tasks large and small.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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Old 08-04-2014, 09:46 AM   #4
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August 4

A Time to Think: Faith is about doing. You are how you act, not just how you believe. –Mitch Albom, author

To Act: Practice believing that as you pray you are receiving God's boundless blessings.

To Pray: Father, be present with us, our steady Guide, pointing out the way You want us to go.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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Old 08-05-2014, 10:42 AM   #5
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August 5

A Time to Think: Faith is for that which lies on the other side of reason. Faith is what makes life bearable, with all its tragedies and ambiguities and sudden, startling joys. –Madeleine L'Engle, author

To Act: Learn the great art of doing the best you can with what you have where you are.

To Pray: Open my eyes, Father, to Your world filled with surprises.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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Old 08-06-2014, 09:33 AM   #6
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August 6

A Time to Think: I don't think that we're meant to understand it all the time. I think that sometimes we just have to have faith. –Nicholas Sparks, author

To Act: Surrender your life to God and every experience will grow increasingly more wonderful.

To Pray: Dear God, help me to live with a sense of wonder in all of life's experiences.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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Old 08-07-2014, 11:02 AM   #7
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August 7

A Time to Think: Go where your best prayers take you. –Frederick Buechner, writer

To Act: Think prosperity, abundance, the best of everything. God wants to give to you, His child, every good thing.

To Pray: Dear God, help me to recognize Your answers to my prayers.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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Old 08-07-2014, 11:02 AM   #8
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August 8

A Time to Think: Faith is belief in what you cannot see or prove or touch. Faith is walking face-first and full-speed into the dark. –Elizabeth Gilbert, author

To Act: Believe that Jesus Christ is with you, helping you now, and that through Him your life can be changed.

To Pray: Lord, help me to be a faithful steward of all the life that surrounds me.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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Old 08-07-2014, 11:02 AM   #9
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August 9

A Time to Think: By being calm we show that we trust in God. –Author Unknown

To Act: Practice calm. Deliberately build quiet times into your days.

To Pray: Lord, direct me towards peace.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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Old 08-07-2014, 11:02 AM   #10
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August 10

A Time to Think: Let God's promises shine on your problems. –Corrie ten Boom, author

To Act: When you pray, release your worry and rest in God.

To Pray: Thank You Lord, for being the light that leads me upward, closer to You.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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Old 08-07-2014, 11:03 AM   #11
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August 11

A Time to Think: Every morning I spend fifteen minutes filling my mind full of God; and so there's no room left for worry thoughts. –Howard Chandler Christy, artist

To Act: Remember your faith is the best answer to anxiety.

To Pray: Lord when I am full of fear and worry help me to take my eyes off of myself and to focus on You.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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Old 08-07-2014, 11:03 AM   #12
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August 12

A Time to Think: A faith to live by, a self to live with, and a purpose to live for. –Bob Harrington, author

To Act: Practice believing that as you pray you are receiving God's boundless blessings.

To Pray: Father, be present with us, our steady Guide, pointing out the way You want us to go.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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Old 08-07-2014, 11:03 AM   #13
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August 13

A Time to Think: Every day is a fresh beginning. Every morn is the world made new. –Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, author

To Act: Don't underestimate your power to change yourself.

To Pray: God, I submit the struggles in my life to Your care.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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Old 08-07-2014, 11:03 AM   #14
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August 14

A Time to Think: I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. –Maya Angelou, author

To Act: Extend your love, share a story, give someone a smile.

To Pray: You fill me with concern for others, Lord, and You give me strength to help them.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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Old 08-07-2014, 11:04 AM   #15
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August 15

A Time to Think: It is not the body’s posture, but the heart’s attitude that counts when we pray. –Reverend Billy Graham, author and evangelist

To Act: Fill your heart with strength and love for each other.

To Pray: You are awesome, God! Thank You for answering our prayers.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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