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Daily Gratitude Make sure to stop in here and share what you are grateful/thankful for today. No matter how bad our day is, there is always something to be thankful for.

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Old 10-02-2014, 12:59 AM   #121
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Grateful that I got through another day, although I slept through most of it.
Grateful that I didn't have a lot of pain, although I wasn't very mobile.
Grateful that I was able to cook dinner, Oriental Rice (from a package), fresh waxed beans, and baby backed ribs, which I basted with ketchup, onion mustard, brown sugar, minced garlic, pepper and salt (couldn't thank past that).
Grateful I have been able to do some posting, a very short attention span and just slow moving. I didn't wake up until 4:28 p.m. and feel like it is time for bed. Not liking the feelings, so just turning them over to my God and asking for help and we will see what develops. Didn't even watch tennis and my book is over due.
Grateful for the rain that keeps all things grain. Once it is here, it releases the pain from my body.
Grateful that I can pray for the motivation to do what I need to do. I have some sorting to do, so when I get things caught up, I hope to get it done before bed time. Thought come, if I open my mind to them. That is what happens when you are grateful and when you pray.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 10-03-2014, 03:06 AM   #122
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Grateful for a new day, have been sleeping my days away lately.
Grateful that I woke up at 2:30 p.m. instead of 4:30 p.m. today.
Grateful that tennis finally came on. I had the TV on mute because they had baseball on. If you see a time lapse in my posting, you will know I am watching tennis.
Grateful I got to the mall, because it is suppose to rain today.
Grateful that I got some shopping done, and then did the laundry I haven't been able to do, 4 loads!
Grateful for a lot less of that sharp pain, just that old dull ache of arthritis which we learn to live with. Don't like the pain that gets in the way of my thinking and doing and doesn't go away when I tell it to.
Grateful for some glass I think, although I would like to think they are crystal with a spider engraved in the inside which means "within," an eagle which means "spirit" and a "bear" which means introspection, according to Jamie Sams. I will use these for my meditation tonight.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 10-04-2014, 11:44 PM   #123
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Grateful for another day, met three good recovery friend today.
Grateful I didn't sleep all of my day away, even though I went to bed later than normal. One use to live where I did, he showed me his apartment so I could come to a decision as to whether I wanted to live there. Very active in recovery and always looked like Mr. Serene. I don't think he always was, but it was the message he portrayed. The other one was a member of my group and for the most part, showed me how to not work my program and carried a great message to me. The other lady has over 30 years in Al-Anon and we always identify although she doesn't like to think so because I am one of those other As. I was like her husband and she compares me to him.
Grateful that she listens when I share with her. I think I finally got the message across that I go to Al-Anon for me, not for or because of the As in my life.
Grateful for the program. It has given me a whole new look at life. It has opened up my eyes and I can see things, not only from my own point of view, but from all directions, and able to open my mind to other concepts.
Grateful for the yawns, heading for my bed and going to catch a few ZZZZZ and then wake up and post the readings.
Grateful that that when I went to Al-Anon, I was told that I was doubly blessed. I found friends in both fellowships. I could identify from both sides of the street. I learned to identify not compare. I learned not to judge, no one had walked in my shoes and I hadn't walked in theirs, yet we could walk this recovery road together. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 10-07-2014, 04:38 PM   #124
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Grateful for a new day.
Grateful for two busy days.
Not so grateful that I wasn't able to get all the posting done, which included my daily gratitude list. The body just isn't able to do everything I started on the site. It can't keep up to my thoughts. As the saying goes, "The mind is willing, the flesh is weak."
I am grateful for the Traditions. The traditions help the groups yet I can use them to make a better way of life at home and in the community.
I am grateful for the Steps, which allow me to heal and make changes in my life.
I am grateful for the healing I have received in this program. It is very much a day at a time. What I need in today is given to me. It is important that I take the time for meditation to ask and pause to be open to receive. How can I receive if I am busy being occupied by other things.
I am grateful that my Higher Power saw fit to heal my sense of humour not remove it. LOL something I posted in 2007, still grateful!
Grateful that I have been able to sleep.
Grateful that I hurt all over, but not the extreme sharp pains that I use to get. These pains are manageable, and if I get myself into the right mind set of acceptance, and willingness to do, and find some motivation and get some intent to do some dishes, I might get some housework done.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.

Sorry, I need a change of attitude. Couldn't resist. This picture found me!


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 10-09-2014, 01:34 PM   #125
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Grateful for another sunny day.
Not so grateful when I get behind in sharing my gratitude.
Grateful that my day was so busy that I didn't have time to do extra.
Not so grateful, because I don't look at sharing on the site as extra, it is part of my day.
Grateful for my treatment at the Holistic Center, I got an extra half hour. Tony touched some spots I didn't know I had. He found some spots I would rather not know I had. I would have been even gladder if he had not told me they were to do with my heart, so now I am thinking hardening of the arteries and the reason I need to talk to my pharmacist, who I haven't gotten down to talk to yet.
Grateful when each day unfolds in spite of me, and I am sure things will unfold for good.
Grateful that I can make a decision. Even more grateful that I can change my mind, and make another decision. I must remember that the timing isn't always mine.
Grateful for those who walk this road with me. Some may get ahead of me, but that is okay, I will catch up.
Grateful that we are sick people trying to get well, not bad people trying to get good!


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 10-11-2014, 08:42 PM   #126
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Grateful for another day, one that disappeared AND one that slipped by.
Grateful for one that got slept away and I got some work done and some sleep caught up.
Grateful for a day that started with meeting with a friend that ended up connecting with three in person, one in person on the phone, and hopefully by nights end, to my two sisters.
Grateful that I got an invite to go to my nieces for Thanksgiving for a family get together.
Grateful that I had a good outing and hoping to get my posting done so I can go to bed early so I can watch darts and tennis at a.m.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 10-14-2014, 11:11 PM   #127
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Grateful another day has almost finished, even though I slept through most of it.
Grateful that even though the pain has lessened, the fatigue had kept me from being on the computer.
Grateful that the sun came out today.
Grateful that I was able to sit back and chill and finish my book.
Grateful that meditation showed that I need to spend some me time with my God and look at what I need to do with my life at the moment.
Grateful that I got a couple of calls and were able to connect with friends.
Grateful for the blessings that each day brings.
Grateful that I can listen to my body. When I listen, I hear accept, surrender, let go, and enjoy life in today. Don't fight it, don't try to make it happen, live for the moment.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 10-16-2014, 01:19 PM   #128
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Grateful for a new day, even though the sun is not there.
Grateful that I got through a couple of difficult days.
Grateful that my God made Himself known in a big way. It was like fireworks went off.
Grateful that even though the pain thresh hold hit 10 twice during the day.
Grateful that I had the appointment with the Holistic Center and with my doctor yesterday.
Grateful that my doctor was in agreement with me, even if he didn't send the fax to the pharmacy to discontinue the medication. I phoned today, the receptionist says there is no notice on my file so I am trying practice acceptance, patience and tolerance too.
Grateful that even though I do not like chick peas, and don't like the looks of Humus, and even though they are mixed with sweet potatoes and caramelized onions, and looked like baby food and other things, they don't taste too bad, I can get them down, it is good for me and I think it give me protein.
Grateful for that I got to talk to my friend S again last night. We are both very good mirrors for each others.
Grateful that I didn't wake up with a head ache.
Grateful that I don't have a big pain just a dull ache.
Grateful that laundry may be an option, seeing as it is raining and going out isn't.
Grateful for you who walk this journey with me.

Love this picture. It has been a long time favourite. It reminds me that things don't have to be bright and colourful to be beautiful. It has a beauty all of it's own. Even the plant that has gone to seed and everything has a purpose.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 10-18-2014, 01:24 AM   #129
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Grateful for another day. More than grateful for another day.
Grateful that I even though I was totally succumbed by fear when my heart just went wiled and I could hear and feel it patter, that I was able to calm and go through the motion and do some do things, most of all pray and ask for help.
Grateful that I went looking for answer, thought it was my blood pressure but found out it was my pulse instead, and just had to be quiet and let go and realize it was a combination of a lot of things. There was no way I was going to go to the hospital, unless it was necessary. I didn't discount it as an option, but it was a last resort.
Grateful that I got the clarity of of mind that I asked for and took my inhalers. Called the Holistic Center and although the people I deal with were not available, I was put in charge with someone else, because I wanted to check on the natural medication that had been suggested by them, which would calm my body. I called my friend S. and connected with her and realized, she was not in a good place and said a prayer for her.
Grateful I was able to get some sleep.
Grateful my son stayed with me although I would have liked him to have had him wake me up to check my blood pressure before 7 p.m., he thought the sleep was good for me, and as they say, things are meant to be.
Grateful that my son took my library books back to the library.
Grateful for the healing power of my God.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 10-24-2014, 08:37 PM   #130
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Grateful although not so grateful that I ran out of energy to type out a list each day.
Grateful for busy.
Grateful that I got out to my doctor's appointments.
Grateful that each day unfolds as it should even if it isn't always as I would have it be.
Grateful for the lesson's learned.
Grateful for the meeting with my sponsor and the lunch she bought me.
Grateful that I got my closets cleaned.
Grateful that I got my laundry all caught up.
Grateful that it is time to quit and go find something for dinner, which is overdue.
Grateful that tennis is on. Not so grateful that Raonic lost.
Grateful for the express books I got today. One is by Catherine Coulter and the other is by Kathy Reichs.
Grateful that the terrorist attack was an isolated incident.
Grateful that life is one day at a time.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.
Will be extra grateful when these antibiotics kick in and I feel better.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 10-26-2014, 08:25 PM   #131
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Grateful for another day well spent.
Grateful that I don't feel like I am running a race trying to play catch up, just jogging along.
Grateful that I finished two books. I have one more book to go. It is more of the mush and slush variety. It is one my friend booked out on my card, so it is more her taste than mine. A historical romance, which I haven't read for a while, so will make a change.
Grateful that I had leftovers for dinner. A different form of Shepherd's Pie (hamburger browned with onions, seasoning, with potato gravy used with mushroom gravy mix to make gravy. Carrot partially cooked, then potatoes added, drained except for part used for gravy, mashed, seasoned with parsley flakes, salt and pepper with a little butter and milk) and burger mixture in lightly greased casserole, topped with carrot and potato mixture. Just heated and finished cooking in oven at 350 deg. F oven. Peas can be added or anything else that tickles your fancy.
Grateful to be feeling better.
Grateful to hear from my friend Theresa. She called me and she picked up the phone and informed me she was sitting drinking Pepsi. She just got word that her long time friend Cindy of 15 years passed away. Please say prayers for her.
Grateful that my son stopped by and brought me a new coffee table. He is working for a Realtor who was holding an open house today. Makes me feel very blessed.
Grateful for my healing meditation today. Used three angel decks today. The words that stuck in my mind were "Pray" and "Believe."
Grateful for all those who travel this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 10-30-2014, 01:27 AM   #132
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Grateful for another day, and another day, and another day.
Grateful for so much, every time I went to post, I didn't know where to begin and where to start.
Grateful for the new awareness in my life.
Grateful for the people in my life.
Grateful for the new lessons learned, so hard, some I could have done without, but were very much needed, whether I liked it or not.
Grateful my God made some room for me in my life, even though I didn't want to let go, for example, the site closing which will free up some of my computer time. As you all know, I do like my pictures.
Grateful for the power of prayer.
Grateful that I got to go to the Holistic Center today.
Grateful that I got to meeting up with my friend and have a long conflab with my friend. Believe me, between the two of us, it is a conflab! After spending 5 hours together, we talked to each other on the phone and I had to tell her I had to go and hang up on her.
Grateful for my Chinese Food even though it always speaks to me and says, "More" when can I go and have some more!
Grateful that my fortune cookie said, "That wherever you go, you are a star!" roflmao!
Grateful I finally connected with both my sisters yesterday.
Grateful that the list could go on and on, just know that today is a new day, and as long as I remain grateful, I will stay clean and sober in today.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.

I don't know about all of you, but I tend to put very high expectations on myself. I am bad for acting out "The If Only" Syndrome. I always seem to look at what I didn't do rather than look at what I have accomplished. My sponsor always says, "I get tired of just listening to what you do in a day!" People with fibromyalgia always feel like they haven't done enough. They think they should always have done more, and yet often accomplish more in a day than a normal person without any health problems.

I have changed over the years, and I know I have healed from the inside out, but this is one area that God and I are still working on.
This is from an old site, don't think it exists any more. Thank God this is a one day at a time program.

You are all so udderly wonderful! Sorry couldn't resist!


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 11-02-2014, 05:01 PM   #133
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Grateful for another day, especially grateful for today. The sun is shining.
Guilty of not being too grateful for three days of cold rainy days.
Grateful for the rainy days though, they kept me in and I caught up on laundry.
Grateful that my feet haven't been swelling and haven't had to pain that I have had in the past. Coming off the medication that the doctor put me on was a good decision.
Grateful that 24 hours can start any time. Today I put the clock back at 6:30 a.m. so I wouldn't feel so bad about finishing my book before going to sleep.
Grateful that I slept through the snow flurries yesterday, not ready to face snow yet.
Grateful that I made the decision to go downtown and enjoy the sunshine today. I just closed down the computer, got dressed and went.
Grateful that I book I ordered had come in and I was able to wait for the library to open up at 1 p.m. to pick it up.
Grateful that an AA member was in the mall so I could sit and have a visit with him and drink my tea.
Grateful I was able to pick up a few groceries plus a few treats.
Grateful for the sunshine, waited for 20 min. for the bus, it didn't come, so took a taxi.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 11-04-2014, 05:24 PM   #134
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Grateful for another day, even if the sun disappeared.
Grateful that I am feeling better, even if I am not feeling my best.
Grateful that I am grateful I am grateful, not sure that makes sense, but those are the words that come to mind. Without the gratitude, I just might not be able to get up and face each day with a loving heart and a caring attitude. I don't ever want to go back to that space ever again.
Grateful that I have pork chops to cook for dinner. Not so grateful that I have to cook them, trying to think of a new way to cook them, so praying for inspiration. Grateful that in today that in an option.
Grateful that each day is filled with a blessing if I am open to receive.
Grateful I received a phone call from my sister. She is hoping to finally get the IV removed from all the problems with her bone infection which has been on going for almost a year. Gives you a lot to be grateful for.
Grateful that I didn't let my issues go until I have no other option left but go to a doctor. For so many years, my sister put herself last, as as a result, she has many health issues. She had no time for herself.
Grateful for the lessons of the program and how it teaches me, if I don't have me, my loved ones don't have me either.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 11-08-2014, 12:19 AM   #135
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Grateful for another day, especially for the sunshine.
Grateful that I didn't have to wait for Housing.
Grateful that I had a run-a-bout day and hit most of my usual haunts.
Grateful that I ran into John, the guy who use to come and fix my computer, haven't seen him in ages.
Grateful that I made the decision to treat myself to lunch along with a Freshly Squeezed Juice.
Grateful that I finally finished my book.
Grateful that I found some interesting finds when I raided the library today.
Grateful for a Michael Connelly express book on the way out that wasn't there and my two previous trips in and out.
Grateful that I was able to connect with a couple of friends.
Grateful I am tired, hoping it isn't going to be a crash an burn, but a gentle slumber when I hit the bed, in the next 15 min.
Grateful all those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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