Be As You Are
Most of us approach recovery thinking we can become somebody that we're not. Recovery is more about finding out about who we are and being able to accept that then trying to be somebody that we're not. Our lack of understanding of who and what we are has led most of us to not thinking very highly of ourselves. Understanding is the key for us to getting right with ourselves because it is only by understanding who and what we are that we're finally able to accept and love ourselves as we are. This is something most of us were never very good at, or even knew how to do. It's not a secret who we are, it's just that we all have a hard time accepting it. Once we understand it's okay to love ourselves just as we are then we'll be able to accept who we are, until then we'll be miserable. Finding out who we are and being okay with that is what recovery is about and the key to us being able to enjoy life. It's what we've all been looking for in all the wrong places.