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Family and Friends of Alcoholics and Addicts This forum is for families and friends whose lives have been affected by someone else's drinking and/or drug abuse.

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Old 08-15-2014, 03:24 AM   #18
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
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Friday, August 15, 2014

You are reading from the book The Language of Letting Go

Leaving Room for Feelings

We need to allow enough room for others and ourselves to have and work through our feelings.

We are people, not robots. An important part of us - who we are, how we grow, how we live - is connected to our emotional center. We have feelings, sometimes - difficult ones, sometimes disruptive ones, and sometimes explosive ones that need to be worked through.

By facing and working through these feelings we and others grow. In relationships, whether it is a love relationship, a friendship, a family relationship, or a close business relationship, people need room to have and work through their feelings.

Some call it "going through the process."

It is unreasonable to expect ourselves or others to not need time and room to work through feelings. We will be setting ourselves and our relationships up for failure if we do not allow this time and room in our life.

We need time to work through feelings. We need the space and permission to work through these feelings in the awkward, uncomfortable, sometimes messy way that people work through feelings.

This is life. This is growth. This is okay.

We can allow room for feelings. We can let people have time and permission to go through their feelings. We do not have to keep others or ourselves under such a tight rein. While we work through our feelings we do not have to expend unnecessary energy reacting to each feeling others or we have. We don't have to take all our feelings, and others' feelings, so seriously while others or we are in the process of working through them.

Let the feelings flow and trust where the flow is taking you.

I can set reasonable boundaries for behavior, and still leave room for a range of emotions.
Knew when I saw the title, that I was going to like it and needed to read it.

When I came into recovery, I knew I had something, wasn't sure it was a feeling, and I sure didn't know what to call them. How can you label something and process it if you haven't allowed yourself to feel and stuffed them with alcohol, street and prescription drugs, food, relationships, shopping, gambling, work, church and service, anything to take us out of ourselves because we didn't like where we were at.

My solution was pick up a book and I had to learn to examine my motive and intent. I would turn on music and the TV, and again was it for my entertainment, something for my Higher Good and well being, even if it was for fun, it was, again a question of am I fearful of being alone with myself and am I unwilling to dealing with my issues at hand or my feelings that seem to overwhelm me, instead of being still and taking time with my God, to remove the fear and allow faith to come in; then I can watch TV or read a book.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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